Monday, July 12, 2010

Ok For the First Time

Hello everyone!

Firstly, thanks to whoever who hasn’t forgotten about me since I last put out new music.

I just wanted to write a quick blog to let ya’ll know what’s been going on with me lately. So here’s the story...

My life has always looked pretty good on the outside.

I’ve always considered myself someone who believed in God, and I had even worked for some churches before. But in reality my insides were a big mess.

Ever since high school I had all sorts of addictions that were sucking the joy out of my life. I always thought that if I just tried really hard then I would be able to stop doing bad things and then God would accept me. But the harder I tried the more I always failed. So I lived with this constant feeling that I wasn’t good enough.

About 9 months ago, I was sitting alone in my parents living room, listening to a song called “How He Loves Us”. The song is basically about how God loves people more than we can ever really imagine. (You can listen to it here: )

As I sat there listening to that song, for some reason my eyes were opened. I always knew that God loved everyone, but at that moment I believed that He loved me specifically. I believed that He knows my name and He knows that I exist. I believed that He cares about me. I realized that I would never be good enough for God, but because Jesus died for my sins, God loves me anyway. He forgave me for all the things that I had done wrong to myself and all the things I had done wrong to other people.

From that day forward everything has been different. So many of the bad things that I hated about myself have changed on their own, because I am no longer trying to change myself. Instead I am focusing on learning more about God and giving my life to him each and every day; in response He has been doing all the work of changing my insides. I am learning more and more that God is very good.

So that’s what this new song is about, that first moment when I believed that God’s love and forgiveness were real. I hope you like it.

You can listen to it at:

And you can download it here:

Some of you may have heard people say before that God loves you. I for one had heard it a million times, but it didn’t really click until that moment. If anybody wants to talk to me about my life or God or anything in general, please feel free to message me on facebook (I don't know how/if messaging works on here...haha)

- vince

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear that you put your trust in God. Your song really expresses the joy found in Christ. I love it! I don't know you, cause I only found out about your music a while back from random myspace searching, but as a sister in Christ know that I will be praying for you. :)
